Worship Time: 10 am at Trinity, Verona

Office Phone: 613-372-2525 or 613-374-2777

Retired Voluntary Minister: The Rev’d. Ian MacKay

Licensed Lay Worship Leader: Sheila Anthony

Office Administrator: Rebecca Peters

Director of Music: Stan Stinchcombe

Website: www.h-vpastoralcharge.org

e-mail: office@h-vpastoralcharge.org






























The Mission of Trinity United Church is to be the ears, eyes, feet, hands and heart of Christ in the Harrowsmith-Verona area and in the world


Trinity United Church acknowledges the traditional territory upon which we gather. For thousands of years, the First Peoples sought to walk gently on this land. They offered assistance to the first European travelers and shared their knowledge for survival. We seek a new relationship with the First Peoples of this land, one based in honour and deep respect.



May 12, 2024

Happy Mother’s Day!

Lay Reader: Linda Brown



Welcome and Announcements:

Introit: I Need Thee Every Hour

We Gather

Lighting the Christ Candle:


One: Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12) The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has never overcome it.


(The Christ candle is lit)


Call to Worship: (Responsively)


One: Before beginnings and beyond never-endings, our God stretches through eternity.


All: God reaches out to embrace us every moment.


One: Both in common tasks and unique experiences, our God is present and active.


All: God wills to be known by all members of the human race. One: That is why we gather to worship. With the opening of worship, we open ourselves. May we see anew our eternal God, greet with grace our sisters and brothers in Christ, and receive with thanks an empowering Spirit.


**Hymn: MV #12 “Come Touch Our Hearts”


Opening Prayer: (Unison)


All: We thank you, O God, for the gift of faith, which promises us the blessings we hope for, and confirms for us the powers of heaven. Through faith, we know that the world was created by your Word, and you are the source of every living thing. We are grateful for the enduring witness of your people of faith. Let us profit by their example as we draw near to you in faith. Amen

A Time for Silent Prayer

Words of Assurance:


One: As the sun warms the earth in springtime, so the warmth of God’s love and forgiveness brings new life to us. We are invited to come alive in Christ’s loving presence.


All: Thanks be to God!


**Hymn: VU #506 “Take My Life and Let It Be


Anthem: My Mother’s Prayer


We Give Back


Dedication of our Offerings:

VU #540


All: Grant us, God, the grace of giving, with a spirit large and free, that ourselves and all our living we may offer faithfully.




Creator God, we give you thanks for sustaining life, for fashioning hope and for strengthening faith. We give you thanks for your call to a new future, for drawing us into your vision of peace with justice. We give you thanks for your claim on our hearts and for setting us free to give. Amen


Youth Time

**Hymn: VU #371 “Open My Eyes, That I May See


The Lord’s Prayer:


Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil; for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen


(Children and teachers may leave for Sunday School)


We Listen




Colossians 3: 12-17 (Pg. 1027-1028) (Living as those made alive in Christ)

John 15: 9-17 (Pg. 939-940) (Love one another as I have loved you)


Following the Readings:


One: The Spirit speaks and we listen.

All: God, let our hearts be moved.


Message: “Roots and Wings”


Hymn: MV #106 “I Am the Dream ” vs 1 and 3 (Please remain seated)


Prayers of the People


We are Sent Forth


**Closing Hymn: VU #333 “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling”


**Commissioning and Benediction


**Choral Benediction: (Don Besig/Nancy Price)

Go now in peace, never be afraid,

God will go with you each hour of every day.

Go now in faith, steadfast, strong and true,

Know God will guide you in all you do.

Go now in love, and show you believe,

Reach out to others so all the world can see,

God will be there watching us in love,

Go now in peace, in faith and in love.

Amen. Amen. Amen!


Postlude: Polonaise (Bach)




Worship Leader for Sunday May 19th:

Sheila Anthony


Lay Reader for Sunday May 19th:

Diane Revill












MINUTES The minutes from the Tuesday Session meeting have been printed and placed on the back bulletin board should you wish to read them. All minutes are also posted on our church website.


TRINITY SHARING CUPBOARD: The cupboard will be open this Wednesday May 15th and May 29th from 2-4pm. In the next couple of weeks the cupboard could use granola bars and crackers. Your continued support of this vital outreach is much appreciated.


ANNIVERSARY SERVICE: Please plan to attend our Anniversary service on Sunday June 9. Members of the congregation will be invited to share memories of times past at both Trinity and St. Paul’s. Fellowship will follow the service – if you are planning to attend, please bring finger foods. There will also be a cake supplied for dessert.


SUNDAY SCHOOL there will be a Sunday School Teachers Appreciation Day on Sunday May 26, and this will also be the last day for Sunday School.


CHRISTMAS IN JUNE: Plans are in progress for the Christmas Hampers in June. Hampers will be sent out to 15-20 families in the last week of June. Sheila will advise on what items will be needed.


SAVE THE DATE: The grade 8 graduates of Prince Charles Public School will be having a bottle drive and car wash on Saturday


May 25th (time to be decided) at the school, to generate funds for their graduation trip and celebration. If you have any empty bottles and would like to contribute, you are welcome to drop them off on the 25th, or you can give them to Rebecca. And if you are in the market for a car wash, drive on in and they will gently scrub the dirt away!


CHOIR FUNDRAISER: The Frontenac Women’s Chorus and Melodia Chamber Choir are proud to present a special event dedicated to supporting programs and services provided by the Southern Frontenac Community Services (which helps individuals and families in our community). Mark your calendars for an afternoon filled with beautiful music and a shared commitment to making a positive impact. The concert will be held on Sunday June 2 at the Harrowsmith Free Methodist Church at 2:30pm. Admission is $25 at the door. For more information please call 613-376-6477 ext. 308